_________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Dear Soliran, I Discovered this when the hideout of the Unbelievers in Ghilna was destroyed. I thought that though it shows it's author's bias some of the information may provide help in your delicate negotiations with The Rahal of the Tarrnu. I will supplement this copy document with my own asides in parenthesis when I think it is applicable. Please understand that i do not fully comprehend The Unbelievers babel of Science, So i was unable to supplement this document further. On a personal note the Wizard Khurna is no longer with us(may Shirna lead him to the light), yet another target of The Unbelievers assasinations.Thier scourge must be stopped. Sincirily, Thorm Steelmind, Priest of Shirna at Ghilna (5-37-310AF) The Tarrnu ------------------ Report of known sentient species, 309 AF. Recorded by Geron Thirnek, Head Researcher for the Atengir(The Unbelievers). Short summary. DESCRIPTION: The Tarrnu are slender tailed humanoids covered with soft dark fur. They average 5'4" in height and 120 # in weight. They are reminiscent of Panthers in Hair coloring and features with occasional marks/splotches of other colors. Often these marks are distinctive to a particular extended family. Thier ears are fured and pointed like cats though in close to the head(like humans). Thier feline eyes are almost standardly a yellow or gold though occasionally silver or green-gold has been known. A sub-species that is more like mountain lions than panthers is rumored to exist. SPECIES CHARISTICS: Ultra-violet vision allowing excellent sight even in the darkest night, but they are just as blind in total darkness as humans. Thier claws are viable weapons as deadly as knives. Agile and Dexteritous they are not as strong as the majority of species known on Turimar. ORIGIN: What is known is little, but they for sure appeared during The War of Chaos, though which great mage they served is not known. They seem to be a human/panther(or mountain lion) crossbred Animalism or maybe some other humanoid stock. LOCATION:After the War of Chaos they settled in the plains once known as T'rantil(The ever fields) now known as Itarrn.The mountain lion sub breed is rumored to exist to the east in the forested hills. They are unknown to exist elswhere. TECHNOLOGY: Primitive in almost all areas. The art of metalworking is unknown to them though I have seen leather goods almost as strong as steel. Thier knowledge of medicines and herbs seems to be quite advanced. I did notice that some of the warrior-hunters wear gloves that have 3 blades each to extend thier claws to the length of shortswords. CULTURE: Tribal, Nomadic. They move thier temporary dwellings from place to place following the movements of the beast they hunt. Each tribe seems to be in actuallity an extended family with the patriarch in control with a head preast, a lead hunter/warrior, and the head healer as advisors. Each tribe is seperate and rules itself with no central government. Though they do have one permanent city, It seems little more than a place for thier chiefs to meet and trade. The only trading done with outsiders is at the free-city of Shadesmark(technically a lease from the tarrnu in exchange for arial help from the gryphons) ,Which exist in the southern part of thier land, and occasionaly with lone merchants/hunters. I could gain no more knowledge as i was unable to get any of them to trust me fully. I detected no magic nor interferance from the so-called gods(Poor lost soul). Assesment to goals: They will provide no hindrance to our aims, as they have no real army. As individual warriors they excel. Thier distrust of outsiders makes them unlikely allies though it seems they use no magic. Recommended course: Conversion. _________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Actual Game stats AD&D: ______ STR: -1 Classes allowed: DEX:+2 Fighter, Rogue, Cleric(shaman), Druid(herbalist), CON:+1 Ranger, Fighter/Rogue. Special class: Tarrnu healer WIS:0 INT:0 CHA:-1 Sense of balance: +40% UV Vision 150'(like infravison but doesn't work in total dark) Natural Move Silent 25%(or +15 to thief skill) Claws: 1d4/1d4 +1 to acrobatics/gymnastics proficiancies Rifts/Palladium: ______________ IQ: 3D6 Hit points/SDC: Normal / 10 ME: 3D6 PPE: 2D6 MA: 2D6 Psionics: Normal chance PS: 2D6 +2 1d6+1 sdc-claws PP: 4D6+1 Nightvision(200') PE: 3D6 +2 Prowl natural 40%(or + 20) SPD: 4D6 Sense of balance-60% PB: 2D6 +5% to Hunting, Gymnastics,or Acrobatics Occ/Rcc Restrictions: Up to GM but recommend no magic except shamanic/natural. special occ: Tarrnu healer, Tarrnu ghostspeaker. Rolemaster: ____________ AG: +4 RR Mods: BDY Dev: 0>5>5>4>3 Soul Dept: 10 CO: +2 Ess: -5 PP Dev: Rec mult: .75 ME: -1 Ment: +5 Chan- 0>6>5>4>3 Stat det: 8 RE: 0 Chan: -10 Ess- 0>3>2>1>1 Hobby Ranks:8 SD: -1 Dis: +15 Ment- 0>4>3>2>1 Bkgnd Opt: 4 EM: +1 Pois: +10 Arc- 0>4>3>2>1 IN: 0 Fear: +10 PR: -2 QU: +4 ST: -1 APP: 0 Hobby classification: Hunter/Gatherer, Nomadic, Plains Natural abilites: Nightvison 200',S Claw attack(x2)(may learn as natural weapon skill(lowest weapon cost),+20% Stalking/hiding, + 5% all gymnastic skills, + 5% all wilderness (Adolescent development descided by GM for his own world) Special Tarrnu Items: ___________________ Tarrnu War Claw: Three bladed clawed gloves and bracers that fit over hands and wrist, Blades come inbeween knucles and extend about 1.5 to 2 ft past them. The long braceres are there for support and have metal rings to holf the blades firmly to the wrist. (AD&D 1d8 per claw-type P/S-spd 2)(Rifts/Palladium - 1d10 sdc per claw,knife skill may be used as claw skill. In rifts a Vibro version would do 3d6MD)(Rolemaster- Treat as a Medium Claw, 1-H eged skill)(No matter the system unless specially fited for non-Tarrnu -1/-5 penalty, and don't forget the off hand penalty if using in both hands)(Tarrnu though as a species are not ambidexteritous, have no off-hand penalty with these weapons, as they are very simmilar to thier natural weaponry and all(male and female) are raised with thier use. Tarrnu Leather goods: Tarrnu have mastered the art of leather working to a level unknown to any other species(sort of like the dwarves and metal working) and special ways of curing and treating to make super-hard leathers almost as good as steel or Iron. Weapons: Usually not made, but if are would be -1/-5 in use(The Tarrnu import metals or just use Bone/wood) Armor: Light Tarrnu Leather(AD&D: ac 6,no thief penalties)(Rifts: Megadamage! 20MD,no penalties)(Palladium AR:10 SDC:25)(Rolemaster AT:11 But acts as 7 for penalties) Tarrnu Hunter Leather(AD&D:ac 5, no thief penalties)(Rifts: 40MD,no penalites)(Palladium AR 12,SDC 50)(Rolemaster AT:14 but acts as AT 8 for penalties) Tarrnu War Armor(Ad&d:ac 4,-5 thief penalty)(Rifts: 60 MD, -5 stalk/hide)(Palladium AR 14 SDC 75)(Rolemaster AT 16, but acts as 11 for penalites) (Note: In rolemaster all of these would fall under the Rigid Leather Skill) Some example Tarrnu healing herbs: Rishkal - Brew as tea - gets rid of headaches and minor body pains, acts as a cauterizing agent(AD&D: heals 1d6hp, Rifts/Palladium: heals 1d8 HP/MD/SDC, Rolemaster: heals 1d10 hits and 1 pt of bleeding-AF 2) M'tol - eat berries(can be dried,)- Helps refresh the blood(it is magical) and will help with most viral diseases, and will cure most poison.(AD&D: cures poison and gives second save verses viral diseases.)(Rifts/Palladium: basically same as AD&D)(Rolemaster: Poison antidote, second RR vs diseases at +10, no AF) A second dose in a week's span is Poisonous(Save vs Poison(all games)(AD&D: 1d4 dmg every turn for 1d4 turns, lost hp regain at 1/day)(Rifts/Palladium: 1d6 sdc/2d6 mdc once per 10 min for 1d4*10 minutes,regain at 2/day)(Rolemaster: 1d6 dmg every 10 minutes for 1d4*10 minutes,recover at 2/day(modified by rec rate), -5% all actions until half lost Hits recovered) Hrarsh - Root, eaten(cannot be preserved w/o magic)-These are said to have sprouted from the ground where The greatest Tarrnu warrior Erowlle died and were invested with the power of his blood and spirit.(Magical)(Ad&d: reduce all damage by 2 pts,+1 all To hit,AC, and saves for 2 hrs, then 1 hour of -1 to everything and take 1.5* damage)(Rifts/Palladium:minus all damage by 5 points, + 1 to all combat moves, and + 5% to all skills for 2 hrs then 1 hr of 1.5* dmg, -1 all combat moves, and -5% all skills)(Rolemaster: +10 to DB, + 5 to all OB/skills/RRs for 2 hours then -10 db,-5 all OB/Skills/RRs for one hour-AF 15)