Nikodemus' Tower

ALL ABOUT ME(Nikodemus)

Vital Stats:

Name: Nikodemus
Real Name: Richard R. DeCampa(I go by Niko in real life though)
Age: 25(Birth Day: April 11th,1975)
Hieght: 5'8"
Wieght: 180#

Nationality: 50% Native American(Lakota Soux), 25% Italian, 25% French
Measurements: chest-40" waist-30"
Hair: Black,long(past shoulder). worn parted and straight
Eyes: Golden Brown(Sometimes violet because of contacts)
Other Traits: Goatee and Mustache, slight scar by left eyebrow,Other areas you'll have to find out on your own<GRIN>
Hobbies/Interest: People, Current Events, Philosiphy, Psychology, Art, Astronomy, Magic, Mysticism, Physics, Computer Games, Role-Playing Games, Strategy/Warfare Games(Table-top or computer), Nature, Poetry, Music, Books, Anything Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Likes: Ravioli, Sharp chedder cheese,PLAYING sports, Women, Sentimental Movies,
Swimming, Sex.
Dislikes: Waking up early, Ignorance(Stupidity is alright), Alot of things about society,
Not much else.
Location: Rockford, Illinois
Occcupation: Freelance Writing , Computer Tutor, And trying out this web site.
Children: One, A 3yr old daughter named Talia(She's the cutest). Another child on the way.(unknown as to sex, therefor name)
Marital Status: Single. Divorced.

History: I would give one, but alas, my life ,though not that interesting ,is for those who choose to be part of it.
Comments: Sorry, no picture, as I do not have a scanner or digital camera.


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Material Copyright © 2000 Richard R. DeCampa